Monday, May 4, 2009

New Weathervanes, New News, New Gossip

An anonymous caller conceives of some windart for the Municipal office.

The straight news is that our local papers The Moorabool News, the Express Telegraph and the Melton Moorabool Leader gave 1000 Weathervanes in Ballan some wonderful coverage in recent weeks. The coverage and the installation of another piece of windart have stirred local thoughts.

We heard a rumour that a community member rang the shire office in Ballan and offered to donate a weathervane. He told the receptionist that he already had the image in mind: a robber with a sack of money. No, it wasn't Velislav and it wasn't me either but Velislav was kind enough to draw me an "identikit" image of the concept for the blog.

We heard another rumour that a Ballan-based artist, someone we haven't yet met, is thinking of making and selling some weathervanes in the Provedore (the new organic produce store in Inglis street). Yeah! More local artists making more windart.

We heard yet another rumour. Apparently one local weathervane owner claims his cock is bigger than another local weathervane owner's. Can't comment on that.

But there's been a bit of work going on between the bouts of gossip. Velislav installed another piece of windart: The Connoisseur.

The Connoisseur, designed and donated by Velislav Georgiev to the Ballan News building. Copyright Velislav Georgiev, 2009.

The Connoisseur
was designed for the historic Ballan News building in Inglis street. Velislav imagined a copy of that esteemed publication, hot off the press, finding its way into a Ballan home where it was perused from the comfort of a wing-backed chair in a lounge room where a small glass of wine and a pair of slippers were considered proper aids to the digestion of important local news.

Merv Bartleman prepares to install The Connoisseur on the Ballan News building in Inglis street.